How can taking an EMT preparation course help me?
Approximately 50% or more of students nationwide that begin an EMT course either drop the course before it's over, or do not pass. This is because very few students begin EMT training with any background in anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology and they become overwhelmed once EMT training begins. You cannot learn to assess and treat injuries and illness in EMT school if you do not have a good understanding of the human body and how it works. Many students get too far behind in the beginning to be able to catch up so they drop the course.
My EMT preparation course is designed to give you a good foundation in these fundamental areas and others before you actually begin the EMT course. This foundation gives you a much better chance of passing EMT training the first time you take the class.
I struggle with studying effectively. Does the EMT preparation course help with that?
Yes. I created an entire lesson that teaches you how to study more effectively. The concepts I teach are widely excepted as beneficial to students and are effective in a broad range of different courses.
Does the EMT prep course come with a book?
You can make your own book with the materials I provide you in the Prep course.
Each video lecture presentation includes power points that you download and print it out before you view the lesson. This way, you can take notes on the lessons as you watch them. There are also articles I have written that you can print out and keep with the power points. I use extremely high quality graphics to help make understanding the subjects easier. If you have a printer you can print out all of the course materials and make a book instead of having to pay for one.
How many hours of training does your EMT preparation course include?
Most students spend a minimum of 12 hours on the EMT prep course. However, you can keep retaking the lessons over and over again until you really understand the material well which is what I highly recommend. Your access to the prep course is for six months so you can keep using the materials as much as you want over that timeframe. I even have students that refer back to the Prep course materials while they are taking my full EMT class.
If I take your EMT preparation course, do I also have to take your full EMT course?
No. In fact, I set up the Prep course so that it will prepare you for EMT training anywhere in the nation. The subjects I cover are subjects EMT students universally struggle with.
Do I need to be an “A” student in order to become an EMT?
Definitely not. Obviously being a “good student” can make the learning process easier but EMT training involves much more than “learning” information and being good at taking tests. To pass EMT training you must learn to “apply” what you have learned and not just memorize information. For this reason whether you are an average student or an excellent student, you will need to spend a great deal of time learning “why” you do the things you do and how it can benefit your patient.
How is the EMT prep course different from the full EMT training course?
The EMT prep course is not an actual EMT training program. It is designed to provide students with a foundation of fundamental knowledge that their EMT instructor can build upon once they begin their EMT course. EMT preparation is not an EMT certification and does not qualify a graduate to work in the field as an EMT.
Is the full EMT training course difficult?
EMT training is not easy but you do not need to be a “A” student to pass. You have to be able to learn new information, retain it, and then apply what you have learned. Wether you are a great student or an average student, you can pass if you put in the time but it will require a large amount of your time and a large amount of your effort to do so. This is why EMT Prep is so helpful, it will give you a head start on some of the more difficult subjects you will be taught in your full EMT so you will not have to struggle as much and you will perform better.
How do I know if I should take the EMT prep course?
If you have not taken anatomy, physiology, and/or medical terminology in college, and within the last couple of years, the EMT prep course will be extremely helpful for you.
Is your EMT prep course in person or online?
My EMT prep course is 100% online. However, you can email me with any questions you have about the material so I will be available to answer your questions.
Can I begin the EMT prep course any time I want or do you have certain start dates?
My EMT prep course can be started at any time because it is online. You can work on it at your own pace, and it is set up to go lesson by lesson in a manner that makes the learning more understandable.