Official Satellite of
California Institute of Emergency Medical Training ( CIEMT )
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long does the training take?
A. We have 2 courses, both are 7 weeks. One class is conducted Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am – 3 pm. The other class is a “Hybrid” class done online.
Q. Will passing this program make me an EMT?
A. To become an EMT, State law requires that you complete an Approved EMT training program and then take a National Standard Test. After passing this test, you can apply for actual certification in the State of California. Passing this course satisfies the requirement for completing the Approved EMT Training program.
Q. What is your pass rate on the NREMT exam ?
A. Our pass rate for first time test takers on the NREMT exam is approximately 90%. This means that 90 percent of our graduates pass the NREMT exam the first time they take it. For those that do not pass the first time, nearly 100% pass it on the second try.
Q: What do I need to bring on the first day?
A: -Pen/Pencil/Highlighters. Dress appropriately for the CPR training (you will be performing CPR so wear clothes you can move around in. Also, NO OPEN TOED SHOES.)
-Bring the $40 cash if you need a CPR card. If you already have a CPR card, make a copy of it and bring it with you so we can make sure it’s the proper level.
– Bring a copy of your high school diploma to add to your file as well. (See question regarding prerequisites for the course for more info on that)
Q: What are the prerequisites for the EMT-Basic course?
A. The only prerequisites for the course are a high school diploma and a CPR card. We will need a copy of your high school diploma. An unofficial transcript will suffice as well, so long as it states the month and year you graduated. A college diploma or transcript will work too. The CPR training is done on the first day of the class you are registered for, you do not need to complete that training prior.
Q: What are the prerequisites for the EMT-Basic course?
A. The only prerequisites for the course are a high school diploma and a CPR card. We will need a copy of your high school diploma. An unofficial transcript will suffice as well, so long as it states the month and year you graduated. A college diploma or transcript will work too. The CPR training is done on the first day of the class you are registered for, you do not need to complete that training prior.
Q: How long do the courses take?
A: All EMT Basic courses are 21 total days of instruction.
Q: Can a student be absent for class?
A: The short answer is no. This is a certification course and students are required by the state to complete a specific amount of hours. All course material is vital to your training so no part of the course can be missed. However, students are given the opportunity to make-up ONE missed non-mandatory lecture class meeting. The hours must be remediated in private tutoring at a rate of $35 / hour. Of the twenty-one days of instruction, six days are considered mandatory and are not eligible for make-up for any reason, those days being skills practical days and review days.
Q: How do I get certified?
A: Once you successfully complete the program, you must take the State Certification exam (National Registry Exam). This is done at a separate testing facility. See the NREMT website at www.nremt.org. After passing the exam, you will take your NREMT card, your completion certificate from the EMT course, and your CPR card, after having completed the LiveScan background check, to the local EMS agency and make application for certification.
Q: When can I take the NREMT exam?
A: Right away after your course is over!!! If you wait over two weeks to take the exam your chances of passing are greatly diminished. It’s a computer based exam that you will take at a Pearson View testing center. There are several in the L.A. County area. Make sure that you are registered and paid for the exam before the end of your course to ensure timely authorization from CIEMT to sit the exam.
Q: What is the dress code?
A: Dress comfortably, you will be listening to lectures and taking notes on Lecture Days so “classroom attire” is fine. No flip-flops or open toed shoes on skill days though. For your ride-alongs you must wear a white-button up collared shirt, black slacks or uniform pants, and black shoes or boots.